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Things are definitely in motion behind the scenes in the Official Smoke-Filled Room. Corflu Quire is slowly gaining some actual Committee Members, but they could definitely use some more help. Email Pat Virzi at [email protected] to offer assistance with nigh unto anything at all. Ted White has volunteered to handle the Official Program.

For now, we'll advise you that badges, program books, and other kipple can be picked up in the con suite. For the early at heart, show up Thursday afternoon after 3:00. (Expect to be drafted.) Warning to walk-ins: I must give the hotel catering office a banquet headcount by 10:00 Friday morning. If you're not on the list by then, you might have to watch someone else snarf up your share of the guacamole and cheesecake on Sunday.

At Corflu's official opening on Friday night, there will be the quaintly traditional "drawing of the GoH's name out of a hat". The tandem tradition will also be observed - just introduce me to Andrew Jackson before opening ceremonies to remove your name from the GoH selection list.

On Saturday, plan to attend the obligatory auction held to raise money for TAFF and DUFF. If you have anything to donate but don't want to schlep it, you can ship it to the Duncanville address (to arrive by Monday, February 5th; remember to specify what fund you're supporting).

The Corflu Banquet will be at 11:00 on Sunday morning. If you miss it, you'll miss the Guest of Honor speech, the Fan Achievement Awards, the fajitas and the cheesecake. (Of course, if you have special dietary requirements you'll have to let me know well in advance so I can warn the catering staff.)

The Official Softball Game on Sunday afternoon is Officially Off. I'm not foolhardy enough to play softball any more, especially if I have to work, or drive, or function, any time for the rest of the year. So, instead, how about something like team trivia or fannish feud, where we try to aerobicize our stray neurons before the dead dog party?